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Transfer Student Checklist

Our goal is to make the transfer process user-friendly and our orientation programs welcoming so you'll feel at home from the moment you arrive on campus.

Before submitting a Purdue application, review this page carefully to ensure you understand the overall transfer requirements and processes, as well as the specific minimum criteria for your desired major.

As a college transfer student, what you want to get out of a campus visit may be different than what a high school student wants. Check out our transfer-specific visits to participate in tours, visit activities and get information tailored to you!  


Register for a Transfer Daily Visit

Register for a 1:1 Meeting

The following sections discuss the various aspects of transfer eligibility. The eligibility requirements can change depending on a number of variables, such as your coursework history, credit count, and residency. Be sure that you have met or exceeded these expectations before beginning the application process. 

Minimum High School Coursework Requirements 

  • You can make up for high school course deficiencies with college-level coursework 
    • 1 semester of 100-level college coursework = semesters high school coursework 

Minimum College Credit Hours & Coursework 

  • You must have 12 completed credit hours of college-level coursework (taken after high school) before you can apply as a transfer student 
  • The Admissions Committee may need the final grades of current coursework to make a final decision - especially if that current coursework/grade is a minimum requirement for your major 
    • This varies depending on the major/program for which you are applying 

  • As a part of the application process, students must submit official transcripts from all colleges attended.

 English Proficiency 

  • Citizens of non-English-speaking countries are required to submit proof of English proficiency to complete their Purdue application. 
    • Based on country of citizenship – not current residency or language of instruction 

Additional Documents

  • Applicants from Chinese Universities must arrange for a verification report of the university transcript with the China Credential Verification (CSSD).

At Purdue, students are directly admitted to a specific major. You will need to decide which program you wish to gain admission to before starting the transfer process, as well as understanding the minimum requirements/expectations for your major of choice. Please note that not all of our majors are open to transfer students. If you are already planning to attend another institution before going through this process, be sure to check out the Articulation/TSAP section below. 

Minimum GPA & Coursework Requirements 

  • Start with our majors page to explore the 200+ programs offered within Purdue’s 11 colleges 
    • You can sort by career interest, Purdue college, or alphabetically 
  • Review the minimum transfer expectations at the bottom of each major page 
    • Will include any minimum GPA/grades or specific course equivalency for that program 

Plan of Study 

  • This is the 4-year breakdown of every class you’ll take for every major that we have at Purdue 
  • Located just above the transfer requirements section on each majors page 
  • Best used in conjunction with our credit equivalency tools to: 
    • Understand how your previous college coursework fits into your desired Purdue major  
    • Strategically select future coursework at your current institution that will eventually fit into your desired major’s plan of study 

There are many paths to Purdue, even within the transfer process. From specific program agreements to guidelines for students who have long been away from the academic world, this section can help illuminate some strategic pathways to aid in your eventual transfer to Purdue.  

Articulation Agreements & Transfer Single Articulation Programs (TSAP) 

  • These are pre-planned pathways for a handful of our programs from specific institutions 
    • Begin by completing a predetermined, two-year plan at another institution (as listed) 
    • Finish final two years of that major here at  Purdue West Lafayette after transferring 
  • May help you stay on track for particular Purdue majors if you know you will be attending another college/university before joining us here in West Lafayette 
  • Check out our Articulation & TSAP page for more information  

Community College Roadmap 

  • Designed for students who have been out of high school for 5+ years 
  • Lays out a pathway to meet our minimum high school expectations (if severely deficient) 
  • Will require 24 college credit hours over the course of at least 1 year 
  • Check out the community college roadmap for more information 

Without a doubt, one of the most important topics on the minds of a transfer student. The wide-range of transfer credit types (coursework from other colleges, testing credit, military, etc.) can make this a daunting task. Use the following tools to ensure you fully understand how your credits will transfer to Purdue, and how that credit may or may not fit into your specific plan of study (see Step 1). 

 Understand Different Credit Types 

  • There are two main ways that your college credit may be categorized after being evaluated: 
    • Direct Equivalency: the course/credit is equivalent to a specific Purdue course  
      • Fulfills a specific coursework requirement for admission and/or your plan of study 
      • Will show as an actual course (16500, 17200, 22000 etc.) 
    • Undistributed Credit: the course/credit will be brought in as general Purdue credit 
      • Can be used to satisfy selective/elective requirements in your plan of study 
      • Will show as a number followed by letters (1XXXX, 1XQMT, etc.)  

 Transfer Credit Course Equivalency Guide 

  • The full database of evaluated college credit broken down by institutions in each state/country 
  • Consists of two different reports to help you understand your current/future credit: 
    • Report by Transfer School Course 
      • Shows all evaluated credit in a particular subject at a particular institution 
      • Best to use for credit you’ve already received at other institutions 
      • Use to strategically pick courses for future terms at other institutions 
    • Report by Purdue Course:Report by Purdue Course: 
      • Best to use when trying to find specific Purdue course equivalencies 
      • Shows which institutions carry a specific Purdue course equivalency by state/country 
  • Tip: use this guide with your major’s plan of study! 

Other Types of Credit 

  • Can use the tools above for dual-credit achieved in high school 
  • Visit our Transfer Credit Guideline page for more information 
    • Includes credit databases for AP, IB, and CLEP exam credit 
    • Explains how we view military credit, testing, and military experience 

Thinking about transferring but unsure of how it will affect your financial aid?  Find the information that you need to transfer to Purdue West Lafayette on the Division of Financial Aid website.

While beginner students typically apply a full year before they wish to attend college, transfer students will apply the semester before their desired start term. Submit a completed application by the deadlines below for consideration, and be sure that your desired program is open for your desired entry term. 

Spring Term 

  • OpensSeptember 1 
  • Deadlines:
    • Engineering Programs Priority Deadline: October 1 
    • All other majors: November 1 

 Summer Term 

  • OpensJanuary 15 
  • Deadline (all majors): April 1 

 Fall Term 

  • OpensJanuary 15 
  • Deadlines: 
    • Veterinary Nursing: February 1 
    • Engineering Programs Priority Deadline: March 31
    • All other majors: June 1 

 Closed Programs 

  • Some programs are fully closed to transfers, or are only open for one of the entry terms above 
  • Visit our Closed Programs page to check on the availability of your specific major of choice 

Once you’ve gone through the previous 6 steps, making sure you meet all major/program requirements and understand the transfer process, it’s time to apply!  

Transfer Application 

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